Frequently Asked Questions

 Your questions, our expert answers.

My extinguisher is old. Can I get it inspected? Will it still work?

There are several reasons why some extinguishers need to be taken out of service.  If it is older than 1984, if it has physical damage or if it is one of several companies who are no longer in business, it will need to be replaced.  Please contact us with your specific extinguisher questions and we can determine the best answer for your needs.


How often do I need to have my extinguisher inspected?

Extinguishers should be inspected monthly by you to ensure they are showing a full charge on the gauge and you can access them easily if needed. 

Extinguishers should be inspected annually by certified extinguisher technicians.  The technician will determine the needs of each individual extinguisher to ensure your safety and compliance with industry standards.

How do I use my extinguisher?

Always remember P.A.S.S.

P.  Pull the pin

A.  Aim the hose or nozzle at the base of the fire

S.  Squeeze the handle to release the fire fighting agent

S.  Sweep the extinguisher side to side at the base of the fire while moving towards the fire, extinguishing the fire as you go.

Will my extinguisher work in the winter?

Powder filled extinguishers (the most common) are not affected by cold weather. If your extinguisher is water filled, it should be stored in a warm location to prevent freezing. Water filled extinguishers are stainless steel to prevent corrosion and easy to identify as “water filled”.

How many extinguishers do I need and how big of an extinguisher should I have?

Things to think about when choosing and locating extinguishers. What is the likelihood of a fire starting in this area? What is in this location that could start a fire? If a fire started in this location, how could I safely escape from the building? How big of an extinguisher could I safely operate? Please contact us and we will conduct an audit of your location to ensure you are protected.

Is the powder from the extinguisher dangerous?

No, the powder is not dangerous to your health.  It’s not something to go looking to breath in, but if you happen to inhale some powder, it is not harmful to a healthy person.

Stay Safe, Stay Compliant
